Since its foundation in 1975, JEBCO has been one of the largest truly independent international geophysical contractors, supplying first-class geophysical products, services & solutions worldwide, including:
- Over 250,000 km of seismic, logs, reports and other data from the former Soviet Union
- Eastern Europe Report
- Geology & Petroleum Potential of the Spratly Islands
- Petroleum Geology of South East Asia – in collaboration with VNIIZarubezhgeologiya
- South East Asia Report
- Geology & Hydrocarbon Potential of Syria – in collaboration with VNIIZarubezhgeologiya
- Satellite Gravity & Petroleum Geology of Offshore Sri Lanka – in collaboration with Global Exploration Services and Gladestry Associates
- Exploration Prospectivity of Tanga Block, North Tanzania – in collaboration with Global Exploration Services
- Continental Margin of Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique, Madagascar & northern South Africa – in collaboration with Global Exploration Services and Gladestry Associates
- Realization of Hydrocarbon Potential of Jamaica & 3000 km seismic coverage
- Database for Venezuela
- Geology Geographical & Petroleum Infrastructure GIS
- Organization and promotion of international hydrocarbon License Rounds: Jamaica, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Khanty, Mansiisk, Yamal Nenets Autonomous Province, West Siberia
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