ARKeX Limited:
In 2007 JEBCO and ARKeX Limited conducted an airborne geo-physical survey using BlueQube technology in central Utah. BlueQube comprises gravity gradients, magnetic, LiDAR and digital video. The main objective of the survey was to provide a 3D image of the anticline along which the Covenant Field was discovered. This was the first phase of an ongoing joint project to collect high resolution airborne geophysical data.
BlueQube is a high resolution airborne/marine imaging tool that can provide an improved picture of your subsurface geology.
The key technology in BlueQube is Gravity Gradiometry Imaging (GGI) which measures the gradient of the earth’s gravity field, effectively logging density variations in the underlying rocks. From this, a detailed structural geological picture can be deter- mined, which can be used to help with lease decisions, overcoming seismic uncertainty, velocity modelling, prospect generation, prospect identification and drilling locations.
In 1992, VNIIZarubezhgeologiya and JEBCO compiled a Report on The Petroleum Geology of South-East Asia, containing information on the Mekong basin, which lies directly to the west of the Spratly Island region. VNIIZarubezhgeologiya had been gathering and analyzing data on the Sarawak and West Palawan basins for well over twenty years, and had the information and knowledge required to design a geological model of the region of the Spratly Islands, and to undertake petroleum geology zon- ing of the region.
The authors of the Report give an overview and a scientific analysis of the geological and geophysical data available, and consider that the conclusions contained in the Report will aid the countries interested in exploring for hydrocarbons in the region to select their objectives correctly.
VNIIZarubezhgeologiya cartographers - Dr. V.I. Vysotsky, Dr. R.D. Rodnikova, Dr. Yu.G. Zorina, Dr. T.N. Larkova, Dr. V.M. Shleyfer and Dr. A.N. Titkov.
The Report contains a general physical geographic description of the region of the Spratly Islands; a description of the morphostructure, geology and structural elements of the region; details of the geodynamic conditions, including details on individual geological stages of development, and information on the deep structure, aspects of the geophysical fields and heat flow, regional oil and gas occurrence and petroleum prospectiv- ity. The text is illustrated by a series of maps and geological and geophysical profiles presented in the form of an Atlas.
VNIIZarubezhgeologiya cartographers G.V. Kaminskaya, V.A. Murkina and T.V. Proskurina, and engineers I. A. Zheraova and Z.I. Mayorova, contributed to the preparation of the graphical documents and the report was translated into English, edited and marketed by JEBCO Seismic.
In 2004, JEBCO Seismic was pleased to host the Third Tanzania License Round in conjunction with the Tanzanian Government and senior representatives from the Petroleum Corporation of Tanzania. Presentations were given by the Tanzanian Minister of Energy, the Directors and senior staff of TPDC and by companies with projects in Tanzania.
One of JEBCO’s most significant accomplishments was signing of an Agreement with the Ministry of Geology of the USSR in 1989. JEBCO was active in Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan (before and after the break-up of the USSR). The company provided oil and gas exploration information to the industry, assisted in License Rounds and in direct negotiations between oil companies and local FSU associations for oil and gas assets in these countries. JEBCO’s database consisted of hundreds of thousands of kilometers of 2-D seismic data, thousands of wells and numerous volumes of oil and gas exploration reports and evaluations.
More than twenty years after the last significant oil and gas exploration activity in Jamaica, in 2004, the Petroleum Corporation of Jamaica (PCJ) entered into an Agreement with an alliance of companies and consultants headed by JEBCO Seismic to promote exploration for hydrocarbons in Jamaica and its offshore Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). The Report and the associated GIS files were the principal products of the first operational phase specified in the Agreement.
Prior to this initiative and reports, many of which had not previously been systematically evaluated and collated, were made available for this study.
The specific objectives of the first phase of the JEBCO Alliance project were to:
- Review the previous geological studies, seismic surveys and well results in terms of their implications for future exploration.
- Collect samples of oils, gases and oil-impregnated rocks for biomarker analysis of source quality and maturity.
- Review and, where relevant to the definition of plays, interpret seismic lines crossing regions of future exploration interest.
- Create and describe new opportunities, both for offshore and onshore Jamaica.
- Present the hydrocarbon geology of Jamaica and the surrounding region to the industry in the form of a comprehensive, forward-looking report and a GIS related product suite.
- Define locations for new seismic surveys.
A feature of the approach we adopted was the effort made to draw on existing expertise in the general and petroleum geology of the region. Recent studies of the onshore geology have been vital to the formulation of new play concepts. There is, however, almost no direct subsurface information for the offshore areas. In the absence of a uniform cover of seismic lines and because much of the existing seismic was of poor quality, gravity was selected as the means of presenting the petroleum geology on a unified basis. Accordingly, much of the preparation work for this study involved the systematic and detailed collection of gravity records. New gravity readings were obtained for the now much more accessible coastline between Kingston and the Hellshire Hills.