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- Data Currently Available
- Cabin Creek
- Conroy Creek
- North Flemish Pass
- Muskwa-Kechika
- Scotian Shelf East
- Utah Hingeline
- Jamaica
- East Africa
- Tanzania
- Sri Lanka
- Previous Survey Areas
- Oklahoma
- Wyoming
- Onshore Texas
- Gulf of Mexico
- Utah
- Gulf of Maine
- Offshore United Kingdom
At JEBCO we optimize data, in prospective regions, through niche surveys at a low cost, utilizing the best and most appropriate acquisition and processing contractor groups.
Interpretation & Integration of multi-disciplinary geophysical and geological reports
Experience Worldwide - in Joint Venture client representation
Understanding current markets to manage and quality control of exploration projects
JEBCO is committed to:
- Careful evaluation of the acquired seismic data
- Applying the most appropriate testing and processing streams to best image the subsurface with the highest possible fidelity
- Working to make datasets available to the oil and gas world in their optimal format ...Read more